Monday, February 7, 2011

A glad heart makes a cheerful face.....

Some of my most thought provoking moments have come from within the hallowed walls of the sanctuary. Take for instance when a female guest preacher was preaching what I now assume was a soul stirring sermon. (You'll see why I don't remember it in a minute.)

I was always attentive in church. It was how I was raised. Adults speaking, I paid attention. My mother would tell you from the age of five to adulthood she could probably count the amount of times that I fell asleep in church on her narrow little left hand and still have fingers left over. And in retrospect, I'm glad, because my church memories would have given me smiles on my cloudy days.

My age at the time that this happened is a blur, but the event shines like crystal in my mind. The female minister had gotten the crowd on their feet. They were behind her. They were receiving her message as from the Lord and then the strange and downright hilarious happened .....


I wish I was kidding. Her wig flew off her head and onto the podium. I remember thinking, is someone gonna pick it up? No one moved. So there she was in her exposed stocking cap. And I don't mean the nice store bought stocking caps, she had a coffee colored stocking that she had deconstructed and now it looked like an over-sized condom on her scalp. Did she stop preaching?


That woman didn't even skip a beat. She kicked her glory to the side and kept delivering her message.

Honestly, I don't know why more people don't attend church.

Until next time ;-)

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