Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A friend that sticks closer than a brother

I don't have many friends. I have a whole lot of people that assume we're friends due to association but we'll keep that little secret between us. Proverbs 18:24 says "A man that has friends must show himself friendly.....", for us that's definitely not a problem. I don't think there's a PK that would ever have a problem finding friends. There's always someone willing to push their son or daughter in your direction. I guess being friends with the Pastors family gets them that VIP pass into heaven.

Growing up I've only had two friends, aside from the ones that my mother brought into the world. I see your disbelief. But there are few people that can understand what the Preacher's Kid understands to be a reality. My best friend in high school was a Jehovah's Witness actually. I felt comfortable with her. She enjoyed the same things I did and I never had to be super spiritual with her. No church talk. After all I didn't want to hear her church talk, so I was in the clear with not having to share my church talk. She knew I was a PK and technically so was she (Her father was an Elder at the assembly). That was the extent of our religious talk, well aside us praying over our lunch. We didn't take part in the Student Christian Movement, those kids were weird. I could be silly without trying to convert her. When we had problems, we talked to each other and all secrets were safe. I think I met her dad once. But to this day her mother can call my name across a crowded room and I'd know her voice.

A friendship like that is rare. Sometimes you just want someone around with no strings attached. Someone to hear your fears, laugh with you give you nonsense advice without judgment. Someone without an agenda, but like I said that's rare.

"I've got six brothers and sisters, I'm a middle child somewhat. I'm never without company believe me. Most people wouldn't understand what I'm complaining about anyway. It's funny though because at church the kids either do two things, avoid us or all want to be our friend." Meagan, PK for 12 yrs, Baton Rouge, USA

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