Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Pimps In the Pulpit: Don't Get It Twisted

Pimps put themselves in a position to is not always sex or money. 
Most times people assume that the pimp's plan is get more money. The pimp's desire is power. It begins and ends with that one ideal. There was a hit song in the nineties called "Money, Power, Respect". While I don't fault people for wanting any of those things, I do take issue with blatant don't care abuse of power to achieve any or all of the three.

Enter the church pimp.

Now here is where I have to say it's not restricted to the pulpit. There are many pew pimps too. Remember what I said in another post about pulpit pimps, the hustler (pimp) doesn't restrict himself/herself to one title or position, all they see is the goal and will use manipulation to achieve it. The reason they're flashy is because they need to be seen in order to get the attention of those that they seek to coerce.

Many times people just see the exterior and assume that they've found the culprits. They assume the "clothes make the man" a pimp. Or the car he drives makes him one. Often times I hear people talking about how Pastors have these flashy cars and these mansions and that is what they attribute to pimpism (my word) but let's remember the root of the pimp.


I know personally of a Pastor, who had a car dealership owner in his congregation. Every ear without fail the dealership owner would give the Pastor the newest model on the car lot, despite much protesting from the Pastor. Those unfamiliar with the dynamics of the car dealer's insistence would have said that the Pastor was flashy and accuse him of some misdeeds. This Pastor protested with no avail and was the most humble man I've ever known. So it isn't about the exterior, it's about the character of the individual.

Before you look and accuse EVERY pastor of being a pimp, look act the actions and the personality. Believe me they're more obvious than you think. Control Freaks can't hide too long. When they lose control the get abusive.

What did we learn today?

PIMPS need control

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