Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pimps In the Pulpit: How You Doing Pimpin'?

I have a former acquaintance that qualifies as a Pulpit Pimp. He is a master manipulator. He has always aspired to be on the pulpit. He once confessed to me that if he was to leave his pulpit, he'd sell insurance  (that sounds like a hustler) or go into law enforcement (gotta keep that pimp hand strong).

When I met this man. I looked up to him. He was a mover. And I thought he was an okay guy. The closer and longer I worked with him, the more I began to realize that he was a pimp.

I began to notice that he always pushed work onto other people saying that he was giving them a chance to shine when he was quite willing to receive the credit. We'd have meetings and he would come after the setting up, always making sure everything was "just right" for him. When things didn't go as planned he had no exit strategy because he was never part of the initial plan.

He was big on flash. Things had to have a certain look even though he wasn't financially able to maintain that look. He always had someone taking care of him. And always made it seem like he was helpless in order to have more people see to his needs. It was a something for nothing attitude that most pimps have.

Then there were his sweet words.I noticed that he had an answer for everything. Caught him in one or two lies, but he was good at worming out of situations. He also had a way about telling you what he thought you wanted to hear. If he felt that telling you something flattering would keep him in good standing he said it.

Then with women he played them well. He played up their enhancements, qualities, and insecurities. He encouraged at cost. If he wanted you to be his prayer worker. He made it seem like the only person that prayed better than you was Jesus himself. Come to think of it, he did that with everyone. Unfortunately as most found out after you had served his purpose or someone better came along, you were pushed aside or he moved on to his next great hustle. And you are left to pick up the pieces.

So what have we learned?

The Pimp knows how to work people...

Until next time.